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Microsoft is now worth more than $2 trillion.

 Microsoft is now worth more than $2 trillion.

Microsoft was one of the first companies to surpass a $1 trillion valuation, hitting that milestone in April 2019. Shortly before that, Microsoft held the title of Most Valuable Public Company, although today Apple leads the way with $2.8 Trillion.

It took nearly 43 years to reach $1 trillion and reach $2 trillion in the next 2 years despite the COVID-19 pandemic.
(2nd highest worthing company after Apple and at 3rd position, it's Saudi Aramco)

Microsoft's annual revenue has increased almost 84 percent under Nadella, from $77.8 billion in the fiscal year 2013 to just over $143 billion in the last fiscal year that ended June 30, 2020.

"Don't you think the Indian CEO factor also works in Microsoft just like in Google"??(Just Asking)

Microsoft stock has grown quite 600% since Satya Nadella replaced Steve Ballmer as the company’s CEO in 2014. (Recently he was appointed for Chairmen position as well)

Microsoft has spent more than $45 billion acquiring companies on Nadella’s watch, including business social network 
LinkedIn, video game developers Mojang Studios and ZeniMax Media, and

 the code-storage service GitHub. Microsoft has largely left them to operate independently and grow. In April the company said it had agreed to acquire speech-recognition company Nuance Communications for $19.7 billion, inclusive of equity and debt.

Nadella’s deal track record has been more successful than that of his predecessor, whose aQuantive and Nokia acquisitions resulted in write-downs. Mojang’s Minecraft game, by contrast, has become the best-selling game in history, and LinkedIn’s quarterly revenue has nearly tripled.

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